Sunday,July 22nd.
Please join us on our First annual David Bury memorial Hike into the Matilija Canyon. We will honor our friend David Bury by visiting one of the places he truly Loved…Matilija Falls. We will hike to Swimming Holes and Majestic Water falls. This scenic trail follows the beautiful Matilija Creek. This time of year the temperature can be unpredictable so dress in layers. There are several river crossings with boulder hopping along the way so we categorized this hike as one of our NO WIMP HIKES. This means, no kids or dogs, (really tough) unless they are hardy trail kids/ dogs. (This time of year the sand and rocks heat up and can burn the bottom of dogs feet.) Please contact us if you have any questions concerning your ability to do this hike. The approximate distance is 10 miles out and back. Although this hike is challenging it is one you won’t want to miss. Absolutely Beautiful!
We meet at Nordhoff H.S parking lot in Ojai 8am, July 22nd then carpool to the trail head. Plan on at least 6-8 hrs.
Things you will need for this hike.
- Wear comfortable hiking shoes_dress in layers
- Bring lots of water_ sack lunch_ snacks
- Camera_ hat_sunscreen_BUG Spray.
Contact Robert (805)798-2810- or for questions
The cost is $25 a person/$40 for couples.